MEMS/Materials/Nanotechnology in Hawai‘i

It is a privilege to be able to help students connect to opportunities and deepen their thinking and capabilities in the world. I am always looking for new students.

Prospective MS or Ph.D. Students

Graduate students in our lab will have either laboratory-based materials research or applied mathematics projects, related to microsystem and nanomaterials development.

Interested students should have the following qualifications:

  • Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering or a related subject (e.g. physics, materials science, electrical engineering, etc.)
  • Curiosity and excitement about technology and the world
  • Training and lab experience with general chemistry
  • Willingness to do hands-on experimental work in a wet chemistry lab, and to be trained and adhere strictly to appropriate safety procedures.
  • Good attention to detail
  • Willingness to work with advanced material characterization tools such as TEM, FIB/SEM, and XRD
  • Interest in developing skills in mathematical analysis and/or computer simulation
  • Willingness to travel and present at national and international conferences and workshops
  • Patience and determination

Application Procedure:  Interested students should send a 1-page resume, a brief note of introduction, and names and contact information of 2 references to Dr. Brown at the following email address:

Students should also plan to apply to the University of Hawai‘i Department of Mechanical Engineering graduate program by the appropriate deadlines for the semester in which they seek admission.

Submission of GRE scores is required in order for applications to be processed.

Please contact Dr. Brown directly with any questions.



Please check with me throughout the academic year if you might be interested to work on a project as part of the group.

Potential sources of support for undergraduate students: